The Old Corkscrew is a unique antique dealer with the largest collection of antique corkscrews in Africa. Operating from the shop, local and international antique fairs and online it possesses an impressive collection of notable art and antiques.
We exhibit in the United Kingdom at the prestigious LAPADA Fair in London where we showcase our new discoveries. Visitors to the fairs are sure to find a rare piece amongst our collection.
When next in South Africa be sure to visit our antique shop in Franschhoek. This picturesque town which is nestled in the winelands of the Western Cape is a comfortable fifty-minute drive from Cape Town.
Franschhoek known as the ’Food and Wine Capital’ of South Africa, boasts many restaurants, some situated on award winning wine farms.
Exceptional Pieces
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Edwardian silver rose bowl/ wine cooler marked for Sheffield 1901 by Walker & Hall.
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Late 19th century Indian silver claret jug probably by P. Orr & Sons, Madras, circa 1880.
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Edwardian silver rose bowl/ wine cooler marked for Sheffield 1901 by Walker & Hall.
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Art Deco silver ‘Skyscraper’ sugar caster marked for Sheffield 1936 by Walker & Hall.
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Edwardian cast silver caddy spoon marked for London 1908 by Thomas of New Bond Street.
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George V silver five vase epergne marked for Birmingham 1910 by Fattorini & Sons Ltd.
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Victorian silver three-piece tea service marked for London 1859 by Robert Hennell III.
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Russian ‘84’ silver cup marked for Moscow 1908-1926 by Nicholai Slavyanov (1883-1908).
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Elizabeth II silver ice bucket marked for Sheffield 1959 by Cooper Brothers & Sons Ltd.
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Art Deco silver match / toothpick holder marked for Birmingham 1930 by Levi & Salaman.
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Art Deco silver soup tureen marked for Sheffield 1948 by Cooper Brothers & Sons Ltd.
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William IV silver funnel marked for London 1833 by Charles Reily & George Storer.
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Art Deco silver table lighter marked for Birmingham 1928 by Adie Brothers Ltd.
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Large silver photograph frame marked for Birmingham 1942 by Sanders & Mackenzie.
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Late 19th Century silver plated wine ewer by Elkington & Co. with their date letter (Q) for 1877.
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Pair of parcel gilt silver candelabra marked for London 1975 by Stuart Devlin.
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Edwardian silver posy holder marked for Birmingham 1905 by George Unite.
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Art Deco silver cocktail shaker marked for Sheffield 1930 by James Deakin & Sons.
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Early 19th Century silver shell mounted box, inscribed: Respect The Giver and Never Forget.
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George III silver pair of Apothecary scales marked for London 1823 by John Clark.
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Four piece silver tea service marked for Sheffield 1948 by Stower & Wragg Ltd.
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Victorian silver vesta case of crest form marked for Birmingham 1897 by A Bros Ltd.
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Art Deco silver bowl marked for London 1933 by Charles Boyton.
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Victorian silver Mr Punch pin dish marked for Birmingham 1896 by A & J Zimmerman Ltd.
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Silver goblet marked for London 2004 with chased Heraldic symbols by Richard Jarvis.
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Early 20th century Continental ‘800’ silver and Horse enamel cigarette case.