Faan Voges, ‘Mafunyane’, bronze, cast by Michael Canides Foundy, One of ‘The Kruger Magnificent Seven’, signed and dated Oct 2003, numbered 1/15.
This bull was named after the former warden of the Kruger National Park Lou Steyn and was the best-known member of the Magnificent Seven. His Tsonga name meant “the irritated one,” based on his temper and impatience with people. He was a shy animal rarely seen by the public since he avoided the major tourist routes.
His long straight oval tusks dragged on the ground as he moved and were shorter than most of the other Magnificent Seven’s. The most unique characteristic of Mafunyane was the 10-cm-wide, 40-cm-deep gap in his skull. The hole stretched into his nostril, and he could therefore breathe and consume rainwater through it. The origin of the gash is unknown but is believed to have been sustained during a fight with another bull whose tusk pierced his skull. He was 57 years old when he died in 1983 of natural causes. Both of his tusks were 251 cm long, 48 cm in base circumference, and weighed 55.1 kg.
Today the tusks are on display at the Elephant Museum in the Letaba Rest Camp in the Kruger National Park.
Dimensions: 39.5 cm long by 23.5 cm wide by 31 cm high (includes the base)